Lifespan at a Glance

For over 30 years Lifespan Learning Institute has been dedicated to providing advanced continuing education for marriage family therapists, social workers, psychologists, psychotherapists, physicians, nurses, and counselors. From psychotherapy legends (e.g. John Bowlby, Heinz Kohut, D.W. Winnicott), to Mindfulness Leaders (e.g. Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Thich Nhat Hanh) to today's integrative pioneers (e.g. Daniel J. Siegel, Allan Schore, Pat Ogden, Diana Fosha, Mary Main & Erik Hesse) in the mental health field, we continue to provide the latest research and critical thinking.

We also collaborate with the University of California for a series of clinical conferences. Each program is designed to empower clinicians with helpful tools they can use in their field.

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We provide continuing education credit for mental health professionals (psychologists, physicians, social workers, counselors, psychotherapists, nurses, MFTs). Lifespan Learning Institute is approved by APA and CAMFT to provide continuing education credit for live and recorded conferences.

Our Mission

We are a non-profit organization founded by a group of senior clinicians who sought to impact the direction of mental health training by providing training in classic and cutting-edge research. Our board members search internationally for presenters with the newest research in the field. As a result we have a vast collection of programs with leaders and legends in mental health.

Continuing education credit is offered through conferences and home study programs. We cover areas that interest you: Attachment Theory, Self Psychology, Trauma Treatment, Mindfulness, Development, Psychoanalytic Theory, Couples Therapy and more.